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  • Project Valhalla seems to be finally tangible to reach. Brian Goetz did a few talks on Devoxx Belgium and the JVM Language Summit. I’m pretty impressed by the little complexity “leaked” to the developer.


  • Today, by watching this video, I learned about the Polish notation and Reverse Polish notation which are pretty important concepts for the invention of our current computing model using stacks. With the polish notations we can formulate a mathematical/logical expression without the need for parentheses by placing operators in front (or behind) the operands.
  • Google published a paper about mercurial cores. Basically, as a Hyperscaler they observe their CPUs are miscalculating operations sometimes due to e.g. manufactoring issues. This issue occurs so often (a few cores per thousand machines) and is even increasing by pushing the hardware further to the physical limits, that its not a negligable problem.


  • One skill, I would really like to develop and improve in is listeing to people. How To Be A Good Listener gives great advice to that.
  • I’ve built this random page on top of Hugo with Markdown files that contain just lists, a list layout and some CSS. However, I could have also used shortcodes like I do for details. This might be a future improvement. Let’s see first where we’re going.
  • All continents on earth have female, latin names: Europa, Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Antarctica
  • The highest inflation ever recorded took place in Hungary in 1945/46 with a maximum monthly rate of 41.9 quadrillion percent. The stability of the Hungarian economy could only be achieved with the introduction of a new currency. Thus, on August 1, 1946, the forint was introduced, which was exchanged at 400 quadrillions (a 4 with 29 zeros; written out 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) pengÅ‘.